
What could possibly go wrong?

Our story of traveling through the world

We are Don and Shannon Lindell, a sailing couple retired from a life of working in the surface mining industry. Once enjoying the beauty of Nature’s geologic creation, now focused on a pursuit of the ocean’s beauty and the global culture that thrives on the abundance it supplies.

What could possible go wrong?

Recent Blog Posts

Mostly gibberish, but occasionally one finds a gem.

Hurry Up and Wait

By Shannon It’s been a bit since we’ve last shared, so, what have we been…

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Henry the Beach Dog

By Shannon Many of you know one of our biggest concerns with moving has been…

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Hurricane Milton?

By Don According the weather boffins, the next hurricane will be Milton and it’s headed…

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Fake Reader’s Thoughts

“Look at me, I’m a stock photo
used for WordPress templates
because I look hip despite
my receding hairline.”


“At least that other guy
is a real photo. I was generated
by some AI algorithm as an
experiment in lighting attributes”

Daniel Rome

I’m here because research shows
blog sites with photos of blonds
receive 17% more views than
sites without. These people
are real cheese weasels.

Joani G