By Shannon
As many of you know I was born and spent my formative years living in Kansas. I have memories of running through the rain in the middle of the night to the near-by cellar to take cover. Sometimes we witnessed the approaching tornado in the distance but most often it was just a bunch of thunder and lightning. Growing up with this background, is it any wonder that even now when the storm sirens sound my first thought is to go outside to look at the sky?
And now, a hurricane heads towards me in Florida.
In order to prepare, Don has questioned every local we meet about their experiences with hurricanes in the area. After sharing basic preparations they shrug and casually tell us that we wont really need much because Cocoa Beach hasn’t had anything more than a day or two of lost power in their memory.
I think I have found my people! I begin to wonder if I will see groups of people standing around looking at the sky and can I join them?
The next 24 hours will be a new experience for me and for now I’m keeping my eye on the maps instead of the sky. In the meantime it’s business as usual for Henry as he continues to explore the ever changing shoreline.